A Teen’s Faith Journey at Manara Youth Center
My name is Midya, and I am a 15-year-old Kurdish girl. For the past three years, I have been coming to MYC for tutoring. Over time, I became more involved in its other programs, especially those that are spiritual. Let me share my story with you.
Three years ago, my parents left Islam and came to Christ. At first, I opposed their decision, but eventually, I followed. Although I embraced this new faith, I didn’t know much about it. While I loved my parents’ Kurdish church, not many there were my age. But at MYC, I found something different. There, I discovered a community of Christ-following teens who were just like me. I realized I was not alone. We all grew together in our faith, shared our testimonies, and prayed together, which brought us closer.
Last year, I started taking discipleship lessons at the center, and that’s when I went deep into my faith. I joined a core discipleship group and learned how to share the Gospel. I wrote the names of my friends on a small card and began praying for them daily. Some I reached out to in person, and others over the phone. By God’s grace, I was able to touch the hearts of several.
For instance, one of my friends is a devout Muslim. After sharing Christ with her, she opened up about visiting a church and experiencing inexplicable joy. I continue to follow up with her because she is so close to accepting Christ. It’s incredibly exciting to be used by God to share His Word.
Sharing my spiritual journey with the youth workers at MYC has been so helpful. Whenever I face struggles, I run to Miss Rana or Miss Jessy, knowing my secrets are safe with them. When I am weary, they pray for me, and I feel God speaking to me through their prayers. Once, Miss Rana prayed for me and described how special and loved I am by God. She said I could remember that whenever I felt rejected. It amazed me because I had never shared with her—or anyone—my struggle with feelings of rejection.
Through the center’s discipleship program, I have grown so much in my faith. My father, who studied theology and is about to start a service for Kurdish believers, is impressed with our faith-related discussions. But more importantly, this program has brought me closer to Christ!