
Once Blind, But Now I See

May 15, 2024

Here’s the story of Nick, 16, who had struggled with atheism in the past few years.

God draws us with unfailing kindness. Many teens at YFC Lebanon are a testament to this despite the world’s strong pull today. We invite you to witness how relentless grace can transform hearts and spark the flames of faith—even from a young age.

Although I had grown up in a home that serves Jesus, I only truly had a relationship with Christ last year. Before that, I had reached a point where I didn’t like the idea of God. Even more, I wanted to debunk His existence. Because I am obsessed with Physics, I read many books from that community that pushed me away from God. And because I struggle with severe anxiety, going to church turned into something extremely anxiety-inducing. I remember hiding in a corner outside and reading a book on my phone. 

Yet, meeting solid friends and mentors at YFC changed things for me. Conversations with a youth leader, and bonding over campfires and candid chats, chipped away at my walls. I also met a very close friend last year. When guys go to each other’s houses—they sit down, and someone throws a PS4 controller. My friend did the same thing but with a Bible. He would say something like, “Open to Romans 8,” and we would discuss it for an hour. And because my dad is a theology professor and a pastor, I started asking him questions, and he would refer me to Bible commentaries. 

I love being at YFC because we all share the same goal. So, to me, it’s all about community. If a person falls, a thousand people pick them back up again. The genuine connection with leaders and their sincere commitment resonated with me—I say this with a tear in my eye. For instance, during a recent discipleship retreat, we reflected on “living a life that provokes a question”. And the YFC leaders’ walk definitely provokes that question. 

During my first YFC camp, I was dealing with a lot of anxiety when doing sleepovers. I would break down whenever nighttime came. Towards the first night at camp, I couldn’t handle it. So a youth leader came and gave me a hug. And he didn’t leave my side. He cared so much, and it left a massive mark on me. 

Now, I want to care for others, too. So I wake up everyday knowing that I am called to make a difference. But I can’t do it alone without the Holy Spirit. At church, I’ve been leading a core group for younger kids. I’ve also been talking to people my age who grew up in a Christian household—because many of them struggle with their faith—just like I once did. 

Our hearts fill up with hope whenever we see teens like Nick on fire for God. Pray that God’s love always remains the compass that steers them through tides of skepticism and unbelief. And pray that He empowers us at YFC with the wisdom and love to shepherd these young souls and connect with them authentically.