
Curiosity Turned to Faith

Sep 26, 2024

Hashem’s Path to Christ

Hashem never expected his life to change. Raised in a majority-religion family, he only saw the Manara (light house) Youth Center as a place to hang out with friends—certainly not a place where his faith journey would begin. Read on to discover how this young man’s life took a turn he never saw coming.

If it weren’t for Manara, I’m not sure where I would be today. When I first arrived, I didn’t expect it to make such a difference in my life. In fact, I probably wouldn’t have come at all if it weren’t for my friend’s persistent invitations and constant praise for the place. Her excitement sparked my curiosity, and soon enough, I found out why.

At Manara, I began to form new friendships—both with the youth and the staff. The tutors, although serious about education, always brought laughter to our conversations, leaving a lasting, beautiful impression on me.

During my first two years at MYC, I often heard about Jesus, but I wasn’t particularly interested—especially because I was born in a majority-religion family. I attended the spiritual youth clubs and sometimes even went to meetings at a local church. But at that time, I only went to hang out with my friends. Yet, slowly, my curiosity grew. I started asking more questions—often, with the intent to challenge or prove them wrong. But every time, they pointed me back to the Bible, and I found myself unable to argue against it.

One day, I attended a camp at church, and something inside me changed. As I listened to people share their experiences of encountering God—some of them miraculously—I began to wonder. One story in particular struck me: how God had healed one youth leader’s leg. It left me longing for an encounter like that. All the warnings my family had given me about Christianity suddenly seemed distant, and I asked someone there about Jesus. Initially, I rejected what I heard. But the response that followed was powerful: “Go find out for yourself.” That single sentence sent me on a journey. I began to pray, read the Bible, and seek answers earnestly.

Two months later, something extraordinary happened. I was sitting on my balcony, grappling with intense tooth pain that had kept me up all night. In my frustration, I cried out to God—not asking for anything, but blaming Him for helping others, and not helping me. Then, at 3 a.m., just as I was about to lay my head down, I felt something strange—a powerful, invisible force, like a vacuum, pulling all the pain from me, leaving only peace. I fell into a deep, restful sleep. When I woke up, I knew I was changed. The awe I felt in that moment was overwhelming—God had healed me. Without hesitation, I went to the youth leader at church, and we prayed together.

From that day on, I never missed another youth club or church meeting. I joined the a discipleship group at Manara , and my faith journey truly began. I can confidently say that the old Hashem is gone. I’ve let go of many of my old habits because I now love the Lord. Some struggles remain, but the Lord is working on them, and so am I. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is to seek God for who He is, not just when I need something. Today, I find joy in Christ, and I’m more motivated than ever to study and make a difference.

Please pray for me as I continue this journey with Christ. It hasn’t been easy. I can’t share my faith openly with all of my family, and some of my friends mock me for my beliefs. But I’m praying that one day, they too will experience the grace that I’ve found.