The Start of Manara Youth Center’s Relief Efforts

Oct 16, 2024

In collaboration with Horizon’s International, the Manara Youth Center (MYC) has started hosting displaced families three times a week—twice for the youth and once for their caregivers. Last week, the center organized welcome sessions to introduce them to the various programs, which officially launched this week. During these sessions, families shared a meal and met MYC’s staff in a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere.

Christa, a youth worker, observed the gratitude and joy that many of the families expressed, despite the difficulties they had faced. However, many spoke of not being able to wash their clothes or shower for days, and it became clear that basic hygiene needs, which YFC is providing, are a significant concern.

Reflecting on the situation, Christa added, “I’m very happy to be here for these people and hopefully make them feel happy and loved despite the emotional weight of war.” Living in Hazmieh, close to the bombing site in Beirut, Christa explained that she had to take refuge at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) over the past few weeks because her home no longer felt safe. Despite these personal challenges, she found strength in serving displaced individuals and sharing the message of Jesus with them.

Rana, another youth worker, shared a similar experience. “Some girls were so happy when I gifted them art tools,” she said. “I praise God for the opportunity to reflect Christ’s image. I don’t want to overthink the current situation or focus on my needs. Instead, I want to distract myself by serving others, staying useful instead of drowning in fear.”

Then there is Hashem, a 19-year-old who has been attending MYC since its inception. Having accepted Christ at MYC, he is now assisting the staff during these difficult times. Hashem shared his own journey, explaining how his father’s absence has forced him to take on responsibilities beyond his years. “At 19, instead of being in college, I find myself fixing apartment leaks during wartime and rushing through the streets at the sound of bombings to ensure my family’s safety.”

Despite these overwhelming challenges, Hashem has found hope and purpose in MYC’s relief efforts. “Though my nights have turned into days, I get so excited to join MYC’s relief work. Recently, I asked myself, ‘Why not help these families?’ So I rallied my friends, and now my house is packed with supplies. MYC has taught me the courage to take action.”

Discover Hashem’s incredible story from curiosity to faith at MYC!

As we continue serving displaced families and sharing God’s love, we invite you to come alongside us in this vital work. Please consider donating to help us continue being the hands and feet of Jesus in Lebanon. Your donation will help us extend our relief efforts and reach families in need. Every contribution counts toward providing essentials, emotional care, and hope during this challenging time. Together, we can offer both practical aid and–more importantly–Christ.