Mental Health in Times of War

Oct 16, 2024

The youth in Zahle, and the Bekaa Valley at large, are facing unimaginable challenges as the bombings in their region continue. Many are witnessing the destruction from their own balconies and are grappling with deep emotional trauma. Their lives have been upended, with schools shut down and social connections severed, leaving them isolated and fearful. For many, it feels like a return to the isolation of the COVID lockdown, but worse, as the uncertainty of war looms large.

Recognizing the urgent need for mental health support, we launched a special mental health program at AXIS Youth Center in Zahle. Karmen, our dedicated counselor, will lead support groups and offer one-on-one sessions for youth who need more personalized care. The goal is to help them understand their emotions and provide them with tools to cope with the overwhelming fear and anxiety they’re facing.

On October 11, AXIS held a special event to introduce the new mental health initiative to the youth. Karmen led the workshop, which included interactive activities like group discussions and a creative exercise where the youth used colors to express their emotions. Each color represented different feelings, and the youth shared why they chose specific colors—whether blue for sadness or brown for confusion.

As the workshop was concluding, an airstrike occurred less than 10 minutes away from the center, a stark reminder of the ongoing conflict that surrounds them. The sound of the explosion reverberated through the building, causing an immediate wave of anxiety among the youth. Despite the airstrike, the session continued, ending with a video and a talk about trauma, sparking conversations about the difficult experiences these young people are navigating.

The youth were eager to open up during the discussion groups. They shared their fears, from worrying about loved ones to questioning how long the war would last. One of them recounted the terror of hearing airstrikes, while others spoke about witnessing homes crumble. The constant drone of aircraft overhead has made even the sound of a door slamming trigger panic in some. As they watch people on TV lose everything, many feel hopeless. One youth even expressed his determination to leave the country, unable to envision a future here.

Despite these immense challenges, AXIS Youth Center remains committed to being a beacon of light in this dark time. We’ve made the decision to keep the center open, offering a safe space where youth can study, play, and simply be together—where they can engage in meaningful conversations about life and faith.

At YFC Lebanon, mental health support is an essential part of our holistic approach to youth ministry. We’ve seen how these programs often lead to deeper spiritual conversations, opening hearts to the Gospel. During the Friday event, Karmen reminded the youth that resilience doesn’t mean never falling—it means standing back up again. She encouraged them to focus on the good things in their lives that help them stay grounded. She also shared the comforting words of Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.”

Through this program, we hope to bring both emotional healing and the hope of Christ to the youth of Zahle and the Bekaa Valley. As we continue to serve these young people, we ask for your support to provide ongoing mental health care, safe spaces, and the love of Christ to those most in need during this difficult time.