“It’s Time” to Build Bridges

“It’s Time” to Build Bridges

“It’s time.” These two words, printed on our staff’s YFC t-shirt, caught Mahdi’s eye. A curious boy of many questions, Mahdi, a young boy from a majority religion background, was eager to learn about the strangers visiting his shelter school about 8 km (5 miles) from...
Drawing Closer to Christ

Drawing Closer to Christ

Andrew’s Journey at AXIS Youth Center Andrew, a 17-year-old from Zahle, is a young man full of curiosity and ambition. With dreams of studying mechanical engineering and physics, he also enjoys sports and connecting with nature. Yet, beyond his academic and personal...
Hope on the Frontlines

Hope on the Frontlines

The car rumbled down the gravel road, drawing closer to the schoolyard. As it approached the gate, the team was greeted by an unexpected sight—a group of youth perched on the railing, their faces alight with anticipation. The moment the car came into view, applause...
God’s Love Made Tangible

God’s Love Made Tangible

Christmas Reflections in Difficult Times The beauty of Christmas lies not just in its traditions but in its eternal truth: that God became human to save us. As the season unfolds, we have an opportunity to remember Christ’s incarnation. Amid Lebanon’s ongoing...
In the Wake of Loss

In the Wake of Loss

YFC’s Outreach to Youth Struggling with Grief “Can you imagine finding out that someone you’ve known your whole life is gone, through a WhatsApp photo of their grave?” Mona, a 17-year-old girl from the South, asked this question through tears...