Two Friends, One Passion

Two Friends, One Passion

Both Almass and Lubna arrived in Lebanon as children when war broke out in Syria. They had both been in school until ninth grade but had to stop due to the legal barriers that refugees face in Lebanon. Years earlier, they sought academic support at Manara Youth Center...
Coding A New Future

Coding A New Future

How our Vocational Training Program’s Computer Programming Classes Are Empowering Youth God continues transforming lives in Burj Hammoud, a densely populated Beirut suburb. Our mission is to allow every young person to follow Jesus. But we don’t stop there—we meet...
Can Teens in Burj Hammoud Become Entrepreneurs?

Can Teens in Burj Hammoud Become Entrepreneurs?

At our Vocational Training Program in Burj Hammoud, our primary mission is to reach teens with the life-changing message of the Gospel while equipping them with the skills for a brighter future. One shining example of this is our new business course. Read on to see...
Carving A New Path

Carving A New Path

The Story of Two Ladies at VTP’s Carpentry Program Some may say carpentry is just for boys. Eman and Ebtisam, 15 and 17, would prove them wrong. These two sisters are two of our first ladies to join our Vocational Training Program’s carpentry program, and last summer,...