Enduring Hope

Enduring Hope

In the heart of Burj Hammoud, where the narrow alleys weave through crammed houses like veins through a living, breathing organism, stories of resilience and hope emerge daily. From windowsills, young eyes gaze out, not merely observing but yearning—for a brighter...
Training Youth Leaders in the Bekaa Valley

Training Youth Leaders in the Bekaa Valley

“Training is crucial in making a good leader,” said Anthony, a youth worker at YFC Lebanon’s AXIS Youth Center. “So the Leaders in Training program cemented my perception of a youth leader. Sometimes, leaders are expected to be somewhat distant; youth leaders,...
Once Blind, But Now I See

Once Blind, But Now I See

Here’s the story of Nick, 16, who had struggled with atheism in the past few years. God draws us with unfailing kindness. Many teens at YFC Lebanon are a testament to this despite the world’s strong pull today. We invite you to witness how relentless grace can...
The Hope of the Resurrection

The Hope of the Resurrection

This April, we seized the opportunity to share with youth the living hope we have in Christ’s death and resurrection, which lies at the core of our mission to reach every young person in Lebanon with the Gospel—every single day, all year round! We invite you to read...
Go Into All the World

Go Into All the World

A Look into Our Discipleship Retreat “Live a life that provokes the question,” urged the speaker, addressing young faces intently listening at last week’s YFC discipleship retreat. In Matthew 28, Jesus commands us to “go and make disciples of all...