News & Updates
Middle School Camp 2024
A Journey Toward Transformation In his twilight years, Moses might have gazed upon his staff, reflecting on how this humble...
AXIS Youth Center’s Sports Day Revealed!
Can You Handle the Excitement? As the school year drew to a close, the AXIS Youth Center team sprang into action, hosting...
Enduring Hope
In the heart of Burj Hammoud, where the narrow alleys weave through crammed houses like veins through a living, breathing...
Training Youth Leaders in the Bekaa Valley
“Training is crucial in making a good leader,” said Anthony, a youth worker at YFC Lebanon’s AXIS Youth Center. “So the...
The Hope of the Resurrection
This April, we seized the opportunity to share with youth the living hope we have in Christ’s death and resurrection, which...
Go Into All the World
A Look into Our Discipleship Retreat "Live a life that provokes the question," urged the speaker, addressing young faces...
Planting Peace and Justice, One Tree at A Time
Have you ever planted a tree? In a world of environmental concerns, taking action can start here. With just the right tools...
Valentine’s Day Events at YFC Lebanon
Valentine’s Day is an excellent opportunity to help young people navigate the complexities of relationships and societal...
A Milestone Celebration: The First Graduation of Our VTP’s Sewing Program
Two years ago, we started a sewing program as part of our Vocational Training Program at VTP. Since then, it has helped...
Christmas Activities 2023
School MinistryDiscipleship Christmas Party: December 16 Our School Ministry team threw a party for all their discipleship...